Tanto per chiarire / Just to make it clear

Tanto per chiarire / Just to make it clear

Più che un blog questo è un diario di appunti, dove spesso mi segno e rilancio articoli ed opinion interessanti trovate in giro per la rete.

Cerco sempre di citare e linkare correttamente la fonte originale. Se comunque trovaste roba vostra che volete che tolga o corregga, vi prego di segnalarmelo a Stef@cutillo.eu
This is a notebook -not really a blog- where I often relaunch interesting stuff I find roaming on the net.
I always try to link correctly the original sources. If anyway you find your stuff and want me to remove or correct it, please let me know at Stef@cutillo.eu

Questo blog, ovviamente, non rappresenta una testata giornalistica in quanto viene aggiornato senza alcuna periodicità e con molta poca coerenza. Non può pertanto considerarsi un prodotto editoriale ai sensi della legge n. 62 del 7.03.2001 e seguenti.
This is just a silly legal note to state that this (SURPRISE! SURPRISE!)
is not a newspaper or a news publication whatsoever.

sabato 26 febbraio 2011

New York, New Yooooork (Turning 40)

I had to turn 40 somewhere.

Wifey decided it had to be the big Apple.
She kidnapped me into a plane and ... let's go!

We stayed at friends. Very good friends we had not seen since we invaded their grandpas home last summer.

New York is BIG! In five days we could only manage to walk (a lot!) around Manhattan and do some tourist stuff. Climb (cue?) the Empire state building, sail around the island, see the Statue of Liberty...

Plus, of course, some time with friends and a Broadway Musical, Wicked, and an off-Broadway performance show, Fuerza Bruta.

The first impression is exactly what I expected: I knew it all. Nothing was new to me. I have seen, heard, read so much about it, that the first time in New York is like coming back to it.

The skyscrapers are more impressive in TV than under them.

The only thing I was surprised to discover is a city much calmer than I expected. Frenetic if you live in it (judging from the stress I could read on my friends' faces), but rather calm and not as aggressive as I expected, if you are not working.
If you are smart enough to avoid taking the car, you don't even have the impression of having too much traffic.

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