- Kids to the ludoteque - DONE!
- Escape from the ludoteque pretending I'm just sitting in the court outside, to go shopping at the supermarket and run back - DONE!
- Emergency surgery on exotic fishes to extract parasite worms - DONE!
- Reconditioning of the aquarium + medicine to try to kill the remaining baby worms - DONE!
- Lunch for children - DONE!
- Fixing child shoe - DONE!
- Changing children's clothes for food stains - DONE!
- Going out without realising my shirt has food stains too - DONE!
- Middle age festival with children and friends:
- Crossbow shooting - DONE!
- Sword and shield fighting - DONE!
- Spears fighting - DONE!
- Snack meal - DONE!
- Consoling/rebuffing the girls who fell/got hit/bumped into something and cried like hell - DONE!
- Keeping the mojo with friends moaning about their hangover after having drunk a fraction of what you drunk last night (you were there) and having slept the morning (while you jumped out of bed at dawn awaken by wifey's alarm clock for her to leave on business trip for the wee end) - DONE!
- Some 15 lt. water in 33 cl. bottles at 4 CHF each (fucking medieval crooks!) for thirsty gang of children and their friends - DONE!
- Fighting with the boy who tried refusing leaving a very boyish day where he had made very good friends by trying to extract each others' guts with wooden swords/crossbows/spears/bare hands - DONE!
- Pyjamas - DONE!
- Dinner:
- Cooking - DONE!
- Make the children dine - DONE without strangling anybody!
- Spoiling each children in a specific desire - DONE!
- Children in bed - to be completed, possibly without having to suffocate anyone with a pillow
- Finding a moving company to bring home the piano she bought for the kids (thinking I could carry it myself)- To do
- Planning for tomorrow:
- Preparing broken chairs to take them to the 'empailleur' for fixing - to be completed
- Getting info for the subterranean visit of town's underground with children - DONE!
- Inviting friends (and kids) to the aquapark - DONE!
- Calling wifey on business trip on weekend since she didn't call me - OH! BUGGER OFF!
- Calling babysitter for being able to go out with friends tonight - FUCKFUCKFUCK! I FORGOT IT!!! :(
- Declining invitation by friends after having tried to bring the kids and having been told they would not be welcome - Done. :(
- Choosing a film to watch alone on a Saturday night - To be completed or replaced with going out and getting totally fucking drunk with complete strangers hence be arrested for abandoning minors (who are sleeping after the hell of a day and would certainly not even notice).
The next stupid bitch who dares trying telling me how hard it is being a working mother gets my punch straight into her stupid bitchy face! >:-(
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