Tanto per chiarire / Just to make it clear

Tanto per chiarire / Just to make it clear

Più che un blog questo è un diario di appunti, dove spesso mi segno e rilancio articoli ed opinion interessanti trovate in giro per la rete.

Cerco sempre di citare e linkare correttamente la fonte originale. Se comunque trovaste roba vostra che volete che tolga o corregga, vi prego di segnalarmelo a Stef@cutillo.eu
This is a notebook -not really a blog- where I often relaunch interesting stuff I find roaming on the net.
I always try to link correctly the original sources. If anyway you find your stuff and want me to remove or correct it, please let me know at Stef@cutillo.eu

Questo blog, ovviamente, non rappresenta una testata giornalistica in quanto viene aggiornato senza alcuna periodicità e con molta poca coerenza. Non può pertanto considerarsi un prodotto editoriale ai sensi della legge n. 62 del 7.03.2001 e seguenti.
This is just a silly legal note to state that this (SURPRISE! SURPRISE!)
is not a newspaper or a news publication whatsoever.

venerdì 16 marzo 2012

Defending rights or contrasting evolution?

Pleas find below a very interesting article about the arrest of the owner of Megaupload, german hacker Kim Dotcom.

I have never used that service, so I can't say if it was good and I won't miss it.

Neveretheless his arrest, once again, offers the opportunity for a discussion about the redefinition of copyright, in order to use it again as a stimulus for development rather than a brake, as many claim it is the case today.

Below an excerpt fom the article:

" But the arrests are already having an impact. Other file-sharing sites such as Uploadbox and FileSonic have shut down or altered the way they operate. Less clear is what that proves: Has the case discouraged infringement or innovation? Media companies have hardly led the charge to develop convenient ways for the tech-savvy masses to watch movies and listen to music whenever and wherever they want. Attorney Julie Samuels of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit that advocates for digital rights, says content producers want to “stem the growth of new business models instead of using their time and energy to compete. They’re working to harm innovation and consumers and artists who are trying to find new ways to connect with those fans.” "

(You can read the whole story here: http://mobile.businessweek.com/articles/2012-02-16/kim-dotcom-pirate-king )

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